2017-11-07 15:02:20 来源:东南网 责任编辑:林进
视频加载中... 第二届海外华裔中小学生“印象•福州”书画、征文、摄影大赛活动指南 Guide of The 2nd ‘Impressions of Fuzhou’ Overseas Chinese Painting, Calligraphy,Essay and Photography Competition of Elementary and Middle School Students 前言Introduction 近年来,中国步伐坚定地走向世界舞台的中央,中华优秀文化走出国门,向世界人民贡献中国智慧,助力世界和谐发展。福州市作为著名的侨乡,在海外的福州乡亲达400多万人,广泛分布在世界160多个国家和地区,他们虽身处异国他乡,但他们对故乡的殷殷深情是割不断的根、剪不断的缘。 In recent years, China has firmly moved to the center of the world stage. China's excellent culture has gone out of the country and contributed Chinese wisdom to the people of the world, helping the world develop in harmony. Fuzhou is also known as a hometown of overseas Chinese, with more than 4 million people distributed in over 160 countries and regions in the world. Although they are overseas, their deep love for their hometown is rooted and would never be removed. 为了积极对外展示海上福州建设的新形象,推介福州“五区叠加”的历史发展机遇,吸引越来越多的华裔新生代更好地认识福州,关注家乡的发展变化,更好地传播中华优秀文化,抚慰海外华侨华人的思乡情怀,搭建中外交流的文化桥梁。2015年底,福州市外侨办联合福州晚报发起了首届海外华裔中小学生“印象•福州”书画、征文大赛,获得良好反响。 At the end of 2015, Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Fuzhou and Fuzhou Evening Post jointly launched The 1st ‘Impressions of Fuzhou’ Overseas Chinese Painting, Calligraphy and Essay Competition for Elementary and Middle School Students. The activity is aimed at actively demonstrating the new image of Fuzhou, promoting the strategic development of“Superposition of Five Districts”and attracting more new generations of overseas Chinese to know Fuzhou better and let them be concerned about the development of their hometown, so as to soothe the homesickness of overseas Chinese and build a bridge for Chinese and foreign culture exchanges. It has achieved a favorable responds. 应广大海外社团和华校的强烈要求,福州市外侨办、福州晚报继续举办第二届海外华裔中小学生“印象•福州”书画、征文、摄影大赛,诚邀身居海外的华侨华人及港澳台青少年参与活动,通过书画、征文、摄影大赛的方式,一起探寻中华优秀文化的博大精深;一起分享炽热的乡情、亲情、友情。 For fullfil the strong needs of the overseas organizations and Chinese schools, Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Fuzhou and Fuzhou Evening Post continue to hold the 2nd ‘Impressions of Fuzhou’ Overseas Chinese Painting, Calligraphy, Essay and Photography Competition for Elementary and Middle School Students. We sincerely invite Chinese teenagers from overseas and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan to participate in the campaign, exploring the glorious Chinese culture and sharing the fiery nostalgia, kinship and friendship. 组织机构Organizations 主办单位:福州市人民政府外事侨务办公室 福州晚报 Organizers Foreign and overseas Chinese affairs Office of the Fuzhou Municipal People's Government Fuzhou Evening Post 承办单位:东南网、闽侨网 Sponsors www.fjsen.com 协办单位:福州市海外交流协会等 Co-sponsors Fuzhou Overseas Exchanges Association 常设机构:“印象•福州”大赛组委会 Standing Body The Organizing Committee of Impressions of Fuzhou, the Overseas Chinese Painting, Calligraphy and Essay Competition 大赛作品申报、展示平台:大赛官网 东南网 闽侨网 The platform of applying and exhibition http://yxfz.fjsen.com/ www.fjsen.com 大赛主题Theme of the competition 海外华裔青少年以挥洒自由的格调和饱含深情的笔墨,通过文章、书画或手机摄影作品等表达海外华裔中小学生及港澳台青少年对福州的印象,抒发自己的内心情怀。 Oversea Chinese young people can express their impressions and inner feelings of Fuzhou via painting, calligraphy,essay and photography, styling with ease and freedom, writing with full affection. 大赛时间Schedule 征稿时间:2017年7月12日至2018年5月31日 Contributions wanted: From July12th,2017 to May 31th,2018 评选时间:2018年6月 Selection: June, 2018 颁奖时间:2018年7月 Awards: July, 2018 参赛资格Qualification 1.参赛对象Participating Object 分布在世界五大洲18周岁以下海外华裔中小学生及港澳台青少年。 Overseas Chinese primary and secondary school students and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan teenagers who are under 18 years old. 2.作品要求Work Requirements 参赛作品可以是绘画、书法、作文、手机摄影,作品须原创、不得抄袭。 Entries can be painting, calligraphy,essay and mobile phone photography. Copies are forbidden. 【绘画作品】Painting ①作品风格不限,内容积极向上,具有福州元素,展现福州这一历史文化名城及现代都市的特点。如山水、建筑、饮食、人物等。 The work style is not limited. And the content must be positive and has the Fuzhou element, showing the historical , cultural and modern characteristics of Fuzhou city. For example, the painting can show the mountains , the water, the buildings, the diet and the people of Fuzhou. ②画种不限,素描、水彩、水粉、油画等作品都可以投稿。画面必须整洁。 There is no limit to the type of the paintings. Sketch, watercolor, water powder, oil painting and any other forms of works are accepted. The picture must be neat. ③规格要求:儿童画不超过四开(40×60厘米),中国画不超过四尺整纸(60×138厘米)。 Specification:Children’s Painting must be no larger than quarto paper(40*60cm). Chinese painting must be no more than 60cm*138cm. 【书法作品】Calligraphy ①书法作品可以是钢笔书法,也可以是毛笔书法,书体不限,内容健康向上。 The works can be both pen and brush calligraphy. The calligraphy style is not limited. And the content must be positive. ②作品要求整洁、美观、大方,使用规范汉字,可简体也可繁体,不得有错别字,不涂改。 You should complete your work with standard Chinese characters , and the paper should be neat without wrong words and alterations. Both simplified and traditional characters are accepted. ③参赛书法作品不超过四尺整纸(60×138厘米)。 The work must be written within 60cm*138cm. 【作文作品】Essay 赛区设置:港澳台和新马赛区、其他赛区。 Division Set: Hong Kong/Macao/Taiwan /Singapore / Malaysia Division and Other Divisions. ①征文围绕如下主题展开写作(自选其一):(1)变化;(2)陪伴;(3)记忆中的……;(4)晒出我的……; (5)…,我想对你说。 You should select one of the following themes:1.Change; 2.Accompany; 3. ....in my memory; 4. Show my...; 5..., I want to tell you... . ②围绕主题进行创作,体裁不限,散文、诗歌、小小说、家书等均可。要求文笔流畅,富有真情实感。 The essay must be written based on the theme. There is no limit to the article genres. The prose, poetry , mini-novel and any other forms of the work are accepted. The essay should be fluent and written based on true feelings. ③散文、小小说、家书等字数要求不少于300字。必须为原创作品,不得抄袭、套改。请自行保存底稿。 Prose, mini-novel and letters should be over 300 words long. All essays must be original works. Copies are forbidden. Please keep your original manuscript. ④征文配图不作硬性要求,图文并茂的作品在评选时可适当予以加分。 There is no requirement for essay illustrations, while well-illustrated and edited essays may help you get an additional point. 【摄影作品】Photography ①摄影比赛采用手机进行摄影创作。围绕主题,题材不限。作品必须附100字以上的文字说明,阐述以“印象•福州”为主题的创作缘由。 Photos can be taken by a mobile phone. There is no limit to the work subject, while each photo must be accompanied by a description more than 100 words, which explain the reason why you take it. ②作品必须是在福州市六区六县(市)范围内拍摄的内容。摄影参赛作品彩色、黑白均可。需在电子文件上注明标题、作者及联系方式。作品画面不得添加任何文字性标识。 The photo must be taken in the six counties (cities) or six districts of Fuzhou. Both color photos and black-and-white pictures are accepted. Please indicate the work title, author and contact information in your electronic file. Your work mustn’t contain any text label. ③作品一律提交电子档,单幅(组)照片规格原则上不小于5MB,JPG格式,参赛者需要保留图片原始信息及原始文件,以备查证,一经入选,作品需提供原片。谢绝提供电脑创意和改变原始影像的作品,不得对照片进行不符合自然规律的加工。 Works shall be submitted by email with JPG format. The specification of single (group) photo should not less than 5 MB. Please keep your original work. We will ask you to provide the original photo once your work is selected. Pictures made or revised by computers will not be accepted. ④加分项目:欢迎参赛选手提供有关创作过程及采风的微视频,可酌情加分。如用福州话解读、旁白则更佳。 Additional points: We welcome the contestants to provide the relevant micro video of the creative process of your photos. Narrating your video with Fuzhou dialect will help you get the additional points. 备注:Note: ①所有参加比赛的学生或华文学校可录制参赛过程,制作成视频短片,或拍摄参赛过程照片,在评选时可适当予以加分。 Students and Chinese language schools can make videos or take photos to record the creative processes of the entries. It will help you get the additional points. ②每人每个参加项目限投1-3件作品,每件作品背后请粘贴下载并填写好的《第二届海外华裔中小学生“印象•福州”书画、征文大赛报名表》。 Each contestant can contribute 1-3 pieces of entries in each competition event. Please download and fill the competition form and attach it on the back of your works. 参赛步骤Participation Steps ①第一步:可登陆大赛官网,加入大赛QQ信息群,关注大赛微博、微信,了解大赛相关信息。 Candidates can read the competition information by logging into the official website, joining our QQ group, or following our official Weibo and Wechat. 大赛官网:(http://yxfz.fjsen.com) Official Website: yxfz.fjsen.com 官方QQ群:498635809,大赛最新动态、报名参赛相关疑问可在群内公布和解答。 Official QQ Group: 498635809 The competition’s latest information and related answers of questions will be published a in this group. 大赛官方微信:@印象福州书画征文摄影大赛 Official Wechat QR Code: 大赛官方微博:@印象福州书画征文摄影大赛 Official Weibo QR Code ②第二步:登陆进入大赛官网页面(http://yxfz.fjsen.com),了解大赛须知,下载并详细填写“参赛报名表”,附个人信息,标明报送作品的参赛组别和类别。 Participants should log on to the official website, read the Entry requirements carefully, download and fulfill the application forms. Personal information should be attached, and category of groups and entries should be indicated. ③第三步:可选择通过大赛指定投稿电子邮件或邮递二种方式寄送参赛作品: a.组委会投稿邮箱:3345905079@qq.com Entries can be submitted by Specified email address: 3345905079@qq.com, and the recipient is The Organizing Committee. b.福州市鼓楼区华林路84号福建日报大厦4层东南网海外部, “印象·福州”活动组委会,邮政编码:350003来稿请在信封上注明第二届“印象•福州”书画、征文、摄影大赛字样,书画作品不要装裱。 Entries can also be mailed to Fjsen.com Overseas Department (Address: the 4th Floor, Fujian daily building, 84 Hualin Rd, Fuzhou, 350003). Please indicate “impressions of Fuzhou, Painting, Calligraphy and Essay Competition” on your envelope. Painting and calligraphy work should not be framed. 联系电话:+86-591-83729159 Photo Number:+86-591-83729159 备注:为节省投稿时间,推荐参赛者使用指定投稿邮箱投稿。可将征文作品电子文档、书画作品的数码照片和摄影照片以文件名称命名,并填写参赛登记表,一并发送至组委会邮箱。参赛登记表应附在作品投寄包裹或电子邮件中。 Notes: It is recommended that participants contribute your works via emails. Painting, calligraphy,essay and photography works can be named after your file name and be submitted to the organizing committee along with your application form in your package or email. 评选步骤Selection Procedure 1、初步的筛选:由大赛组委会剔除明显不符合大赛主题的作品; Entries that not conformed to the competition’s given themes will be eliminated by the organizing committee. 2、将筛选后的参赛作品发布于大赛官网中进行网络展示,让全球网友对作品进行欣赏、点赞; Qualified works will be exhibited on the official website. 3、组织12名专家评审(征文类3名,书法类3名,绘画类3名,摄影类3名)组成评审专家组,专家评审组将秉持公平公正的原则,制定评分标准、评选办法。评审采取集中评定的方式,邀请相关专家在指定地点和时间内完成评审任务。其中,征文作品集中评选时间为2天,书法、绘画、摄影作品集中评选时间为1天。 An expert panel with 12 members will vote and pick the awarded works (painting, calligraph,essay and photography competitions will be awarded separately and each competition will have 3 winners). The expert will adhere to the principle and establish the scoring criteria and selection methods with fairness and justice. The review adopts a centralized evaluation method and invites the relevant experts to complete the evaluation task within designated place and time. The selection time of essay is 2 days, and the calligraphy, painting and photography selection times are 1 day. 书画与摄影类不分赛区,征文类赛区划分为港澳台/新加坡/马来西亚赛区和其他赛区。 There is no division difference between calligraphy, painting and photography competitions, while the essay competition is set up in Hong Kong/ Macao/ Taiwan /Singapore/ Malaysia Division and Other Division separately. 第二届征集的书画、征文、摄影参赛作品达到1350件以上,其中书画作品600件,征文作品400件(港澳台及新马赛区征文作品数达200份,其他赛区征文作品200份),摄影作品350件开始评选。 The number of all entries should reach 1,350, including 600 calligraphy and painting works, 400 essays, (200 from Hong Kong/ Macao/ Taiwan /Singapore/ Malaysia Division and 200 from Other Division), 350 photography works. 评选工作结束后,获奖作品在大赛官网、微博、微信以及相关媒体发布。同时,将邀请大赛获奖者回福州参加主办方举办的夏(冬)令营活动。 The awarded entries will be published on the official website, weibo, WeChat and related media. At the same time, the winners will be invited to participate the summer (winter) camp held by the competition organizers in Fuzhou. 备注:网络展示、点赞期间,即为作品公示阶段,所有候选作品接受网友监督,如发现抄袭或非原创作品,则取消该作者参赛资格。 Notes: During the online exhibition and likes collecting period, all candidates are subject to the supervision of Internet users. If plagiarism or non-original work is found, the author is disqualified. 奖项设置Rewards 奖项共计特等奖4名;一等奖4名;二等奖12名;三等奖20名;网络人气奖5名,优秀奖(入围奖)若干名。(除优秀奖(入围奖)外共计45名获奖) The prizes include: 4 Special Prize; 4 First Prize; 12 Second Prize; 20 Third Prize; 5 Internet Popularity Award; several Excellence Award(Entry Award). (In addition to the Excellence Award/Entry Award, there are 45 prizes in total.) 1.征文(两大赛区独立设奖)、书画、摄影三类比赛各设置特等奖1名、一等奖1名、二等奖3名、三等奖5名。各项奖金设置分别为:特等奖4000元,一等奖2200元,二等奖1500元,三等奖800元。以上四类奖项均颁发证书并另给予一定数额的参加颁奖活动往返住在国与福州的机票补助。机票补助标准:特等奖1000元,一等奖800元,二等奖500元,三等奖200元。 1. Essay (2 divisions will be awarded separately), painting ,calligraphy and photography competitions will be awarded separately, and awards for each competition are as following: 1 Special Prize, the reward is ¥4,000. 1 First Prize ,the reward is ¥2,200. 3 Second Prize ,the reward is ¥1,500. 5 Third Prize ,the reward is ¥800. All of the above awards are issued with certificates and a certain amount of air ticket subsidies to and from Fuzhou. The subsidy standard : Special Prize ¥1,000 ; First Prize ¥800; Second Prize ¥500; Third Prize ¥200. 2.“印象•福州”入围奖各30名 2.30 Entry Award for Essay , painting ,calligraphy and photography competitions separately. 对征文、书画、摄影参赛作品的其他优秀选手,颁发“印象•福州”入围奖证书。 All winners will be issued with Entry Award certificates. 3.“印象•福州”网络人气奖5名 3. 5 Online Popularity Award for Essay , painting ,calligraphy and photography competitions separately. 对征文、书画、摄影参赛作品获得网络点赞前5名的优秀选手,颁发“印象•福州”网络人气奖,每人颁发1500元奖金和获奖证书,并给予每人400元的参加颁奖活动往返住在国与福州的机票补助。 The top five contestants on Likes List win the prize . The contestants will receive a award certificate, a bonus of ¥1,500 and ¥4,00 air ticket subsidies to and from Fuzhou. 4.“印象•福州”活动参与证书 4.Certificate of Participation 对所有作品符合参赛要求的选手,颁发“印象•福州”活动参与证书,感谢他们对活动的关注和支持。 All the contestants who meet the requirements of the competition will get a participation certificate to thank for their concern and support to the activity. 向组织单位和辅导老师颁发的奖项: Awards for Organizational Units and Tutors: 1.“印象•福州”优秀组织奖 1. Excellent Organization Award 对征集到30份以上作品的海外华社和华校等机构,授予“印象•福州”优秀组织奖。 The overseas institution or Chinese school that have collected more than 30 works will be awarded the prize. 2.“印象•福州”优秀指导老师奖 2. Excellent Advisor Award 对辅导参赛选手获得5份以上奖项、辅导选手获得特等奖或一等奖的老师颁发优秀指导老师奖。 Tutors who have received more than 5 awarded works or whose student win a Special Prize or a First Prize will be awarded the prize. 奖项评选 Awards Selection 时间:2018年6月 Time: June ,2018 当征集作品数量达到1350件及以上(征集作品要求分布在五大洲),组委会将聘请国内外知名学者、书画家、各大专院校专家教授作为评委,组成评审专家组,评选出各项大奖。 When the number of entries reaches to 1350 (the entries should be received from five continents throughout the world), the organizing committee will invite famous scholars, calligraphers, painters, experts and professors forming an expert panel to select the awarded works. 颁奖Awards Announcement 时间:2018年7月 Time: July ,2018 计划于2018年海外华裔青少年“中国寻根之旅” 夏令营期间举办大赛颁奖仪式,并通过官网、官微等渠道公布各个奖项。 The award ceremony will be held during the 2018 “Roots-Seeking ” Summer Camp of Overseas Chinese Teenager. And the awards will be announced on the official website, official Wechat or other channels. 补充说明Additional Information 1、参赛者无需支付报名费或任何相关费用。 No entry fees or related charges are required for participants. 2、凡参赛者必须遵循大赛的一切规章制度,配合大赛相应的活动安排。 Participants should follow the rules of competition and obey the related arrangements. 3、所有寄送大赛组委会的参赛作品概不退还。 All entries will not be returned. 4、获奖选手参加颁奖活动的机票就高补助一次。 If you win several prizes with air ticket subsidy at the same time, you'll get only one subsidy which is the highest. 5、组委会对参赛作品享有无偿进行宣传展示的权利。 The organizing committee has the rights to display the entries free of charge. 6、组委会对活动公告、附件及其补充文件拥有最终解释权。未尽事宜,由组委会另行制定补充规则。 The organizing committee hold the final explanation right of all announcements, attachments and supplementary documents of the competition. Any unaccomplished matter will be explained by supplementary documents made by the organizing committee. |