澳大利亚Daisy zheng:The Fujiang Study Tour Summary

    2016-04-12 12:47:03  来源:东南网    责任编辑:柳丹


征文作品:The Fujiang Study Tour Summary

作者:Daisy zheng(澳大利亚)

On Friday, the fourth of December 2015, 18 Australian university students began a ten-day foray into the cultural, historical and geographical landscape of 福建, China with a topical focus on the Maritime Silk Road. Most of the students were of Chinese background, but through western upbringing and long term living in Australia, there was a subtle sense of disconnection between their lifestyle and cultural roots. For everyone on the trip, the ten days ahead were sure to be an eye-opening learning experience.

The first few days were spent in the beautiful capital city of 福建- 福州. Being the first port city in the development of the Maritime Silk Road, it was a fitting place for the students to begin their journey. In lectures presented at 福建师范大学, a quiet location away from the bustling city surrounded by mountains and water, students learnt about the ancient silk road that Marco Polo made famous within Western culture, as well as how the new 21st century Maritime Silk Road incentive will affect the global network. Closer to home, the significant influence that “一带一路” will have upon the Australian economy, trade and international relationship with China will indubitably have an impact on their lives in the future.

In 福州, the students also went to many places including the former residences of 冰心 and 林觉民 (where many were moved by the sad love story behind Lin’s 《与妻书》), explored and ate their way down the ancient streets of “三坊七巷” and visited 太平港, which was the port that marked the place where 郑和 set sail for the first time to the West. The itinerary in 福州was then completed with a visit to the maritime museum and a trip to 林则徐’s old residence- learning about the Opium wars and how one man’s courage was able to stop a once proud nation from falling into degeneration.

Next stop on the trip was 泉州- a significant trade town on the Silk Road map known for its religious co-existence and the harmonious integration between cultural and racial backgrounds of its population. In this town, the students visited different religious places such as 清淨寺 and 开元寺- amongst others. Here, Christian churches, Buddhist, Islamic and Daoist temples are neighbors located on the same street, creating a sense of peace and tranquility not present in any place else.

In 泉州,the students were also treated to a musical performance with China’s five m instruments and a special puppet show.

 After 泉州, the group arrived at the scenic destination of 武夷山。There they staye plantation resort quaintly nested between mountains and surrounded by nature. The learned the art of tea making, martial arts and also ancient Chinese morals and ethics reciting 朱子家训. Through this, the students closely experienced authentic Chinese c lifestyle- eating fresh produce grown onsite, walking through tea plantations and hikin majestic backdrops of the vast Chinese mountainous landscape. Being famous for its t especially 大红袍, the students were treated to a evening performance of Zhang Yimo 袍” and the final days of the trip was passed in a whirlwind of activities such as rafting nine creeks of 武夷山 and climbing up to the peak of the mountain.

Throughout the ten days, all eighteen students experienced China in a completely unique manner. There were insightful incidences amongst every leg of the journey. For one student, Kye-Ling Lee, her future career path in education has allowed her to see an increasing need for citizens to be equipped in Chinese skills as a direct subsequence of the growing relationship between China and Australia. For Kye-Ling, this trip has strengthened her sense of pride in her cultural heritage and reminded her to be more appreciative of her Chinese roots. As our world transforms into a more cohesive global network, the ability to maintain meaningful relationships between the nations are becoming ever more important. Through this trip, all the students became ambassadors of Eastern & Western culture, bridging the gap between Chinese and Australian relationships in a way only later generation immigrants could. Their exploration of places significant to their own cultural history has not only allowed a reinforced vision of their cultural values but also widened their perspective of the wider world, with the hopes of many more such journeys to embark on in the future.

Many thanks to all those involved in the planning, organizing and realization of the 2015 福建海丝大使团。


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